Publicado: 09/12/2004

In Navalperal de Tormes.


Navalperal de Tormes
  • 0 Habit.
  • 0 Baños
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Navalperal de Tormes
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In Navalperal de Tormes.

HABITABLE RURAL HOUSE. This property consists of a 110m2 construction set on some 55m2 plot of urban land. This terraced building is set on two levels. The property is distributed as follows: 3 bedrooms & main bathroom on top floor; mixed dinning/sitting room with open fire place, kitchen, bedroom & shower room on ground floor. The property is sold fully equipped, with furniture and all utensils needed for starting to live in them.
This property is located in a village within 2 hour drive from Madrid´s int. airport, right by the boundaries of the Regional Park of the Sierra de Gredos. From the village there is direct walking access to the heart of the mountains, and also offers through many subsidiaries to the Tormes river, numerous hidden pools were to have a bath in the summer. The village has its own town hall, a chemist shop & some bars.

Celemín Real Estate

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