Publicado: 16/06/2023

Barn & yard in Sierra de Gredos.


Navarredonda de Gredos
  • 0 Habit.
  • 0 Baños
  • 176 Superficie


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Tipo de Inmueble:
Construcion Rural
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Localidad :
Navarredonda de Gredos
Superficie :
Parcela :
25.945 page views

Barn & yard in Sierra de Gredos.

The Sierra de Gredos, especially its valleys on the north side, is an area with a growing demand for developing rural housing projects, which makes it attractive as a medium and long-term investment.

Located in Barajas, which could be reached by a 35 minute drive from El Barco de Ávila or 45 minute from Ávila capital, a typical building for industrial use (barn) of about 176m2 built on two levels, ground floor of 78m2 and  1st floor which an attic of 78m2, with the four masonry facades in good condition. This building stands on an urban plot of 300m2 of which about 182m2 corresponds to the free area or corral. Through its timely rehabilitation, the building would offer possibilities to become an interesting architectural restoration project, through the consolidation of the interior by means of slabs, as well as the roof. This property is located inside the urban area, facing south.

Celemín Real Estate

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